速報APP / 健康塑身 / Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred S

Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred S



檔案大小:16.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred Squats(圖1)-速報App

If you make your decision to increase your strength, if you want to break your records of squats, if you want to do 200 consecutive squats, follow Squats Coach, this app is to help you achieving the goal.

Squats will train your muscles in thighs, hips and butt, it is easy to do and makes you have good shape in thighs and hips.

No matter what level you are in at this moment, just follow Squats Coach’s plan, do step by step, and only take about 30 minutes a week, you will become the hero of yourself after six weeks.

Key Features:

Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred Squats(圖2)-速報App

⁃ Help you doing 200 consecutive squats.

⁃ Well designed squats plans.

⁃ Track your squats trainings and calorie burnt.

⁃ Graphical log of your each squats and calorie burnt.

⁃ Custom one squats reminder.

Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred Squats(圖3)-速報App

⁃ Support backstage and lock screen running.

⁃ Music plays, make it more fun when you are doing squats.

⁃ Share your trainings with your friends.

⁃ Passcode function.

⁃ Make your own exercise plan if you have finished the default plans and found they are too easy.

Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred Squats(圖4)-速報App

⁃ Supports WiFi backup & restore.

⁃ Supports Dropbox backup & restore.

If you have any question or suggestion, please send email to our support maxwellsoftware@gmail.com.

Squats Coach for iPad - Do Two Hundred Squats(圖5)-速報App
